Upon confirmation of any defect, Covet House Shop compromises to replace the defective part/piece integrally, within a period agreed with the client. Photographic evidence supporting your allegation must be also sent. I. Should the article received fail your expectations in any way, please provide written claim to our email within the first 48 hours after reception. Should visible or concealed damage occur in transit, immediately notify the delivering carrier with initial notification of intent to file a claim. V. Covet House Store is not responsible for damages caused by handling, loading or unloading by people acting on behalf of the customer.

This fee will be cumulative until the remaining amount (invoice balance and storage fees) is fully paid and shipping arrangements have been made. IV. Covet House Store reserves the right to apply a warehouse fee, when storage of the goods purchased exceed 2 weeks without any prior agreement Upon completion, an additional storage fee of 120€/m3 per week will be charged to any stored merchandise if the invoice balance is not fully paid and shipping arrangements have not been made within 4 weeks from the date the goods are received in our warehouse.

III. According to the European Union regulations, any shipment of products outside of the European community requires the issuance of an export document (DU). II. All products are carefully packed and inspected prior to shipment.
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XI. All pieces are the property of Covet House until payment in full is received. A wire transfer is also accepted and data for payments (in Euros € or in US Dollars US$) is listed below and a confirmation (receipt) is required when a wire is proceeded:
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User must provide valid company details such as: Billing name, Billing address, VAT number (company registration number or resale certificate number), in order to open a Trade Account at Covet House Shop.All registered accounts are confirmed as a part of our Trade Account Program, upon a received email with confirmation.For each special campaign, there are always specific conditions applied All special campaigns have an expired date.If specific packaging is required, it will be charged accordingly. Standard packaging is included on the price.Specifically, on Upholstery items, the price includes the standard fabric specified on purchase.Price do not include shipping or assembly service.Legal tax and fees must be subsequently added to the price Prices always refer to a single unit and VAT is not included in the price.We reserve the right, without prior notice, to discontinue products or change prices on products.The following terms and conditions will be applied to all orders from our COVET HOUSE SHOP: By placing an order, you accept our terms and conditions as listed.

These Conditions can be saved electronically or printed by all users of our Website. For the latest version on these Conditions please see it online on our Website. Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time, without prior notice.