
Now voyager sail forth to seek and find
Now voyager sail forth to seek and find

now voyager sail forth to seek and find

It takes months for news of his success to reach the King. Far from home and comfort, that’s for sure. In time, the ship comes ashore on uncharted land. Will the voyage ever end? Will he reach landfall alive? What began as the biggest adventure of his life now seems a fool’s errand. He pines for land, for news, for a fresh peach. Nothing he’s done up to now has quite prepared him for the difficulty of the voyage – the interminable days with nothing in sight but sea and sky. With great wealth and prestige in the offing, the explorer assembles his crew, readies his boat, and sets sail, leaving behind his family and the comforts of home. – Walt WhitmanĪ n explorer has been commissioned by the King to journey forth in search of new lands. Now voyager sail thou forth to seek and find.

now voyager sail forth to seek and find

The untold want by life and land ne’er granted, Lectures and Learning – Downloads to help you learn more about astrology and develop new skills and techniques!.Coaching and Tutoring – Coaching and tutoring for astrology students and new professionals!.Reports – Customized reports about your birth chart, upcoming transits and progressions, eclipse cycles, or solar return.Personal Readings – Personal readings with April Elliott Kent, by phone or by Skype.Birthday Bundle! – Solar Return + Sky Log Report = A birthday cornucopia of astroknowledge!.Your Solar Return – Is it your birthday? Your Solar Return report interprets your year ahead, from birthday to birthday, with insightful text by Mary Shea.Moonshadow Eclipse Report – What will this year’s eclipses mean for you? My Moonshadow report tracks three years of your personal eclipse cycles in an engaging, easy-to-read style.Steven Forrest Sky Bundle – Your transits & progressions for the next 12 months, with text by the inimitable Steven Forrest.Weekly highlights – What matters in the sky this week? Thoughts on the week’s major happenings.Star Guide to Weddings – “April’s elegant book is the kind of astrological gem I most treasure.” – Steven Forrest.Engaging, insightful, and user-friendly.” – Skye Alexander, Planets in Signs Astrological Transits – “Hands down, this is the best book I’ve read about planetary cycles….

now voyager sail forth to seek and find

Essential Guide to Practical Astrology – “My top pic astrology book for beginners.” – Chris Brennan.Give a little love – Donating to Big Sky Astrology.Events and Appearances – Am I coming to your town? Here is my schedule of upcoming lectures, workshops, and other appearances.I write books and essays, teach astrology, and talk with people about their lives.

Now voyager sail forth to seek and find