All that’s left is for you to enter your contact details so that your mosaic photo can be sent to you.Here’s how many individual photos will be in a photo mosaic: Of course more photos can be presented on a larger glass format than on a smaller one, since the size of the individual images is always the same, i.e. Once you have all of your images uploaded into the application, you will decide on the size of your acrylic glass photo (the dimension ration will be determined by that of the main picture you selected).The smaller the file size, the less time it will take to upload them all so it’s a good idea to minimise the photos in advance using an editing program. Since the individual images will be quite small on the finished product (2.5cm in width), the files don’t need to be more than 100 KB each. After selecting your photos, transfer them to our application.We recommend using as many pictures as possible, in order to make your photo mosaic more varied. For the background, you should select between 30 and 1,000 photos. You also have to decide on which image will be the main subject in the foreground. Think about what photos you would like to use for your mosaic. You’ll create your mosaic acrylic print in just a few simple steps.

If you want to have your own personalised mosaic printed on acrylic glass, you can arrange it very easily on our site. And the best part: these days, you can easily make your own photo mosaic acrylic print on the internet. The interesting thing about a mosaic on glass is its ability to combine up to 1,000 photos in one image. A photo mosaic is an image that is composed of many individual images.